white-collar daily wear
GAME OF chance built AS A RED BULL creation entry
GAME OF chance built AS A RED BULL creation entry

GAME OF chance built AS A RED BULL creation entry

[Tom Bourke] wrote in to show off the game of chance which was built for this year’s Red Bull creation contest. The project was completed with the help of the Wausau collaboration Center, a Hackerspace in Wausau, Wisconsin.

He does a terrific job of showing off the game in the clip after the break. Near the bottom of the device is a hard drive platter which each player can spin to test his or her luck. [Tom] used a max485 chip to turn the leads for the hard drive motor into a quadrature encoder. This input is monitored by the Bullduino board, which puts on a light and sound show during the spin. The LEDs that surround the display are individually addressable (probably the same LED strings as this wall display) and cycle trough different colors based on the rotational speed of the patters. The large seven segment display supplies a readout for the random number that is generated. Roll a ten and you win! We guess you need to make the rest of the game up yourself, but this could easily be used as a 16-sided die (or less).

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